The biggest pressing global environment issue facing us today is the use of plastic. Why isn't it oil? Why isn't it water? Why plastic? Well here's the deal. I believe our dependence on oil is a critical issue but no amount of money will fix it. We are and will be dependent on oil until it runs out. End of story. Unfortunately, we haven't found a true, economic/environment sustainable method to change this. Water, as we have learned, is an extremely crucial matter that will be fought over one day. It is devastating to know that many areas around the world have water un-drinkable to the people. Charity:Water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects. Even though water is a pressing global environment issue, it becomes a greater issue because of the waste we put into it. For example plastic. Plastic, which is made from petroleum, is a material that the Earth cannot digest. Meaning every time we use it and toss it, it stays with us on land an in our water effecting life from the tiniest living organism to humans.
Don't believe me? Take a look at The Great Garbage Patch. In class, we briefly took a look at the Pacific Gyre or known as The Great Garbage Patch. Roughly the size of Texas (268820 Square Miles), it contains approximately 3.5 million tons of trash! Talk about a pressing problem. You might wonder why an issue in the pacific should concern humans. Well, plastic breaks down into small particles that attract toxic chemicals. These particles are ingested by wildlife on AND in the ocean, contaminating the food chain. Reason enough to take action..... unless you enjoy eating trash.
Here's a YouTube video outlining the problems with plastic.
As I listen to the song "If I Had a Million Dollars" by Barenaked Ladies, I wonder....what if a wealthy benefactor like Rockefeller Foundation gave me $100 billion to address a global problem, how would I allocate the funds? Would I dedicate 100% to reducing the use of plastic, or partition the money among many different issues? After my mind went deep into wanderlust, I came up with my plan of action.
Of course I would donate the The Garbage Patch organization. More so, I would like to take part spreading awareness about the effects this island has on our environment and our health. For number purposes lets say I would split the funds 60/40 between The Garbage Patch and Charity:Water. My reasoning for giving more the Garbage island is simple, water will become contaminated for EVERYONE if we keep up the use and disposal of plastic. Plus I bet $40 billion will significantly help Charity:Water. In return I only ask they give me a free $25 shirt from their online store (to help spread awareness of course).
Until next time,
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